Foreign Worker Recruitment Agency in Malaysia

Foreign Worker Recruitment Process in Malaysia

In order to hire foreign workers, Employer first needs to obtain a letter from the Ministry of Human Resources’ (MOHR) Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Semenanjung Malaysia (JTKSM) confirming that they are not able to hire Malaysian workers.*

  • Documentation & Application (adhering to the rules as defined by the Govt of Malaysia and Immigration Department).
  • Apply for Quota Approvals for Foreign Workers’ Recruitment from The Ministry of Ministry of Human Resource, Foreign Workers Centralised Management System (FWCMS).
  • Approval letter from the Ministry of Human Resource [JTKSM Quota Approval].
  • Liaise with Overseas Manpower Agents for recruitment.
  • Place Job Order with respective Embassy Attestation.
  • Online and Offline Advertisement at Source Country.
  • Profiling, Arrangement of workers for Interview (Oral and Written), Screening & Selection of efficient worker at the source country.
  • Receive Bio data of the foreign workers from source country.
  • Submission of Calling Visa through FWCMS System.
  • Obtain Worker's Visa from the Malaysian Consulate at the respected country.
  • Labour Office Clearance & Manpower Approval.
  • Air-Ticket Booking at Source Country.
  • Clearance of workers at the airport upon arrival.
  • Medical check-up [FOMEMA].
  • If Medical Status Suitable, then Obtain Work Permit from immigration department, else Send back the worker to their country of Origin.
  • Foreign Worker Work Permit Renewal.
  • Advice, Mentoring, Counseling and foreign worker’s welfare.
  • Apply for Special Pass, Check Out Memo (COM) to return to the home country before the expiry of the work permit and or any other services.

Foreign Workers Recruitment in Malaysia

In accordance with the enforcement of Section 60K of the Labor Act 1955 from 1 January 2023, any employer who wishes to employ foreign workers must obtain initial approval from JTKSM first before proceeding with the next process at the relevant agency.

The initial approval of the employment of foreign workers provided under Section 60K covers all non-citizen workers in the following categories:

  • Foreign workers – temporary work visit pass holders (PLKS) under the permitted sectors which are the manufacturing sector, the service sector, the plantation sector, the agriculture sector, the construction sector and the mining & quarrying sector;
  • Trade officers – holders of employment passes consisting of skilled workers;
  • Foreign Security Guard – foreign security guard employee;
  • Pass with work permit – Student Pass, Resident Pass Holder, Malaysia My Second Home Program (MM2H) & Malaysia Premium Visa Program (PVIP);
  • Other pass categories – Foreign Fishermen, Ship Crew, Tomyam Cooks, Traditional Passes (Thai citizens in bordering states), Ikhtisas Passes (religious teachers/artists/missionaries of other religions); and
  • Foreign workers employed from shelters

Foreign workers can be recruited in the following sectors / Industries:

  • Manufacturing
  • Construction
  • Plantation
  • Agricultural
  • Services
    • (i) Restaurant sub-sector (cooks only)
    • (ii) Cleaning and sanitation sub-sector
    • (iii) Resort island sub-sector
  • Domestic help (Maid)

15 Source Nations are permitted to supply foreign workers to Malaysia.

  • Bangladesh
  • Cambodia
  • Myanmar
  • Nepal
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Kazakhstan
  • Laos
  • Pakistan
  • Sri Lanka
  • Turkmenistan
  • Uzbekistan
  • Thailand
  • The Philipines
  • Vietnam
One Stop Recruitment Agency in Peninsular Malaysia for Local & Foreign Worker

How to apply for foreign worker quota in Malaysia?

Frequently Asked Questions

A: The approved sectors are as follow:
(a) Manufacturing;
(b) Construction;
(c) Plantation;
(d) Agriculture;
(e) Services:
   (i) Restaurant sub-sector (cooks only)
   (ii) Cleaning and sanitation sub-sector
   (iii) Resort island sub-sector

A: The levy payment rate for each approved worker varies according to sector. After obtaining approval, the employer must make levy payment according to the following rates:
(a) Manufacturing sector RM 1,850
(b) Construction sector RM 1,850
(c) Plantation sector RM 640
(d) Agriculture sector RM 640
(e) Services sector
   (i) Restaurant (cooks) RM 1,850
   (ii) Cleaning and sanitation RM 1,850
   (iii) Resort islands RM 1,850

A: Intake of foreign workers from the following source countries are allowed:

  • Thailand
  • Indonesia
  • Filipina (The Philippines)
  • Kemboja (Cambodia)
  • Myanmar
  • Laos
  • Vietnam
  • Kazakhstan
  • Nepal
  • Pakistan
  • Sri Lanka
  • Bangladesh
  • Turkmenistan
  • Uzbekistan

A: No. Foreign Workers from India are only allowed to work only in the services sector (restaurants only), construction sector (high tension cables), agriculture sector and plantation sector.

A: No. Male workers from Indonesia are allowed to work in all sectors except the manufacturing sector, while female workers from Indonesia are allowed to work in all sectors.

A: No. Foreign workers are not allowed to work as front-line workers

A: Employers are to submit applications to the Ministry of Human Resources online via: https://fwcms.com.my/.

A: Employers need to update the information of the employer/employer's representative using the form PERMOHONAN PENGEMASKINIAN MAKLUMAT MAJIKAN / WAKIL MAJIKAN (SISTEM MyIMMS)

Source: Ministry of Home Affairs

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